Numerical quadrature for integrals involving oscillating functions

  • Eleonora Denich University of Trieste
  • Paolo Novati
Keywords: Gaussian quadrature, Fourier type integral, averaged Gaussian rule


This paper deals with the construction of a coupled Gaussian rule for weight functions involving powers, exponentials and trigonometric functions. Starting from a three term recursion for the moments, nodes and weights are computed by using the Chebyshev algorithm together with the Golub and Welsch method. An a posteriori approximation of the quadrature error by means of the generalized averaged Gaussian rules is also considered. Several numerical examples are provided.

How to Cite
Denich, E., & Novati, P. (2024). Numerical quadrature for integrals involving oscillating functions. Journal of Approximation Software, 1(1). Retrieved from