Masks of the Artist: Visconti as interpreter of décadence

  • Arturo Mazzarella Università Roma Tre
Keywords: Visconti, Cinema, Décadence, Nietzsche, Disguise, Mask, Aesthetics of Artifice


Visconti – always formally related to the decadent movement, whereas we suggest using the more appropriate term of décadence as it brings back within its semantic field the Nietzschean notion of artificiality – carries on a meta-linguistic experience through the aesthetic and epiphanic role of the disguiseWith his last five films, Visconti hides behind his aesthetics of artifice showing his “true” deceiving self.


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Author Biography

Arturo Mazzarella, Università Roma Tre

Professore Ordinario L-FIL-LET/14

Dipartimento di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo
