“Hands in the Food, all Polite Hands”. Three Solidarity Meals in Ingeborg Bachmann, Günter Grass and Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Keywords: Food in literature, Solidarity meals, Ingeborg Bachmann, Günter Grass, Friedrich Dürrenmatt


The paper focuses on a particular kind of literary representations of food, namely the “solidarity meals” described by Alois Wierlacher. They are analysed in three prose works: Ingeborg Bachmann’s Der Fall Franza (1965-1966), Günter Grass’ Die Blechtrommel (1959) and Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Die Panne (1956.) These literary representations foster the recognition of a utopian dimension of brotherhood, and at the same time they show ex negativo the society in which the characters live.


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Author Biography

Massimo Bonifazio, Università di Torino
Professore Associato