Urban and Natural Regeneration, Calamity and Pollution in Cicero's post reditum Orations

  • Francesca Benvenuti Università di Padova


The article investigates the presence and role of environment and ecology in Cicero’s post reditum speeches. In this corpus, the description of the external world, as well as of the ways humans interact with it, is coherent and homogenous and is characterised by a clear dichotomy. On Cicero’s return from exile, the environment experiences a natural and urban rebirth, bearing witness to the beneficial effects Cicero has on the external world in contrast to the environmental and urban destruction wrought by Clodius and his supporters. With a focus on the speeches’ literary, stylistic, and rhetorical aspects, the analysis shows how Cicero deploys descriptions of the natural and urban world to legitimise his political agenda and to delegitimise that of his enemies. Particular attention is devoted to the metaphorical use of environment-related terms, as adopted especially within the invective.


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Author Biography

Francesca Benvenuti, Università di Padova

Francesca Benvenuti è assegnista di ricerca e docente a contratto presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova, dove ha conseguito anche il dottorato di ricerca in Scienze linguistiche, filologiche e letterarie (XXXIV ciclo) con un progetto finalizzato alla stesura di un commento scientifico alla Post reditum in senatu di Cicerone. Fin dalla laurea triennale i suoi interessi scientifici sono stati rivolti alla produzione oratoria e retorica ciceroniana e latina in generale, considerata negli ultimi anni alla luce della recente ricerca sul paesaggio e sull’ambiente.

How to Cite
Benvenuti, F. (2023). Urban and Natural Regeneration, Calamity and Pollution in Cicero’s post reditum Orations. Ciceroniana On Line, 7(2), 351-375. https://doi.org/10.13135/2532-5353/9339
Environment, Nature, and Politics in Cicero’s public and private life