Roman Jurisprudence in the early 1st cent. J.-C. in the Light of De inuentione


  • Dario Mantovani



Inv. provides an early testimony on the work and role of Roman jurists during a period for which other sources of information are almost entirely lacking. The significance of this testimony is enhanced by the fact that, as a rhetorical treatise, it examines jurists through the lens of another technique and within a dialectical framework that converges in court cases. The article thus analyzes inv. from two perspectives: on the one hand, as a source of information; on the other hand, as a text presenting a perspective on the relationship between rhetoric and jurisprudence. In this regard, it appears that orators subjected the jurists’ responses to rhetorical argumentation. This argumentation could concern both the content and the authority of jurists in general. Furthermore, inv. reveals the prelude to the project of organizing ius civile ad artem, reducing it to a limited number of easily assimilable principles, as had already occurred for many other disciplines: a project Cicero would elaborate upon in de orat. and partially bring to fruition.


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Author Biography

Dario Mantovani

Dario Mantovani est titulaire de la chaire « Droit, culture et société de la Rome antique » au Collège de France. Il dirige le Centro per la Storia dell’Università de Pavie et est responsable du Cedant.  Correspondant étranger de l’AIBL et de l’Accademia dei Lincei, il est directeur de la revue Athenaeum.
Il préside le CS de l’École française de Rome et l’Année philologique. Parmi ses publications récentes : Les juristes écrivains de la Rome antique. Les oeuvres des juristes comme littérature (Paris 2018), l’ouvrage collectif L’Équité hors du droit (Paris, Collège de France, 2023). Ses articles sur les méthodes d’argumentation des juristes romains et la transmission écrite de leur pensée sont recueillis dans Pensiero e forme letterarie dei giuristi romani. Studi, 3 vol., Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2024.



How to Cite

Mantovani, D. (2024). Roman Jurisprudence in the early 1st cent. J.-C. in the Light of De inuentione. Ciceroniana On Line, 8(2), 537–568.