Vol. 14 No. 3 (2014)

Open Educational Resources in Medicina

Published 2015-01-23


Open Educational Resources are educational contents freely available that can be used for teaching and learning.
Numerous researchers sustain that knowledge can be divided in subcomponents that can be variously recombined to build different educational pathways. This philosophy, that is at the basis of the theory of Learning Objects, has been encompassed by Open Educational Resources, that include Open Courseware and Massive Online Open Courses.
In the paper we describe these new instances related to distance education and then we face Creative Commons Licenses, the legal and technical infrastructure making possible reusability and modification of learning materials.
We conclude discussing about the first experiences related to the use of Open Educational Resources, mainly Massive Online Open Courses. The focus is on organizational changes that we imagine for the future of Medical Schools and Universities.
The paper ends stimulating educational and healthcare institutions to experiment Open Educational Resources to promote innovation and to be competitive in the business education marketplace.