Vol. 16 No. 3 (2016)

Il Diploma Supplement: core e certificazione delle conoscenze e delle competenze. L’esperienza del CdLM in Scienze delle Professioni Sanitarie della Riabilitazione Università degli Studi di Milano

Published March 7, 2017
  • Syllabus


*The following article was published in the paper version of our journal Vol. XII , Num. 3, dec., 2012. Nevertheless, due to its substantial interest we decided to reproduce it in our digital and open access edition.

Background: Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document intended as a supplement to the Diploma awarded by the institution which has scheduled a training process and that characterizes in detail the core competencies and core curriculum derived achieved by the learner. Also called Syllabus, is a description of the study plan. Aim: The purpose of our work is to write up the Diploma Supplement of Master’s Degree course in Healthcare Professions for Rehabilitation in the Faculty of Medicine, University of study of Milan. Methods: According to Italian legislation, the DS can be written in Italian and other European language and is composed of different sections with personal study plan and teaching date. Additional informations can also be conteined. Discussion: The DS has been a preliminary laborious work of collection, sorting and organization of general and specific learning objectives and teaching content of the course curriculum to complement the objectives of the course study of job opportunities and the characteristics of the studies with the aim of enhancing the acquired curriculum and encourage the academic recognition in other countries. We have possible future purposes to improve and implement the document. Conclusion: In conclusion it seems to say that as a course of study and attention placed on the student with the Diploma Supplement are in line with national and European policies.