Briefing e debriefing nell’ambito della formazione specifica in Medicina Generale: descrizione di un’esperienza
Published 2017-10-06
- primary health care,
- debriefing
The most qualifying aspect of the vocational training course in general practice is the training at the practice of primary care team. During this training, a debriefing was structured over eight sessions and proposed in the School of General Practice of Trento (Italy). It was evaluated by participants, the facilitator and a panel of experts, through the analysis of transcripts of the registered sessions and of the final session of assessment.
The experience was positive because participants were aware of the importance of integrated knowledge, successfully reflected on their own learning process and were able to work in a group.
Therefore, besides the vocational training course in general practice planning a structured and guided reflection is an opportunity to build a community practice, and make to emerge the “tacit knowledge”, in order to enhance the personalization of care. This is possible if facilitators have not only clinical competences, but also relational and managerial ones, and if they are skilled to elicit reflections about experiences without any judgement and in a friendly manner.