Vol. 24 No. 2: Special Issue Conference "The art of observation"
Short paper

Iconodiagnostics to promote care skills

Paolo Pozzilli
Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy - The Blizard Institute, St. Bartholomew’s and the London School of Medicine, London, UK

Published 2024-11-20


  • the art of observation



Iconography is a discipline linked to the history of art that investigates the meaning of images.

Iconodiagnostics, at the intersection of art and medicine, is an interplay between art and science, tracing the chronology of a pathological condition through the aesthetics of disease and making a diagnosis based on a depiction.

By analyzing historical artworks, medical depictions, and even portraits of individuals from the past, iconodiagnostics can help trace the symptoms and progression of endocrine conditions that were not well understood at the time. Moreover, iconodiagnostics allows the reinterpretation of individuals' lives in light of the pathology described.