Jürgen Habermas on Linking Systems and Action Theory
https://doi.org/10.13135/2038-6788/9870Parole chiave:
Teoria dell'azione, Agency, H. Joas, J. Habermas, Micro-Macro, N. Luhmann, Matrimonio fallito tra teoria dei sistemi e teoria dell'azioneAbstract
Theoretical discussions have served to bridge the gap separating systems- and action-theoretical approaches; however, the question of their basic compatibility has rarely been raised. This paper takes up the effort of Jürgen Habermas at linking systems and action theory. Habermas seeks to overcome the limits of the theory of action by widening its scope in systems-theoretical terms. Successful synthesis eludes this effort: too much emphasis is placed on the systemic aspect, reducing actors to the mere executing agents of systemic needs. The combination of theories of structure and action provides a way out of this dilemma.
