Dalla sferologia all’immunologia: la teoria dello spazio di Peter Sloterdijk

  • Antonio Lucci
Parole chiave: Arca, Globi, Immunologia, Schiume, Sfere, Sloterdijk, Spazio, T. Macho


This essay offers an overview of German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk’s theories about the theme of space. In particular, it illustrates the connection among three different spatial theories, each of which is presented by Sloterdijk in one of the volumes of his trilogy Sphären.
In the first volume, Sloterdijk offers and anthropogenic theory of maternal space that has biological and psychoanalytic implications. In the second volume, Sloterdijk addresses the birth of civilizations and metaphysical theories from a spatial/immunological viewpoint. In the third volume, Sloterdijk analyzes the disintegration of the living, communitarian, and metaphysical-inclusive forms he has previously argued for.
After the presentation of the abovementioned theories, the essay explores the connection between spatial theory and immunology in Sloterdijk’s thought and highlights how the former evolves with the parallel development of the latter until it is completely reabsorbed in it.
