The Necessary Space
Editoriale inglese (tradotto da Silvia Benso)
Had Heidegger not become for some time now (and perhaps for a while longer) an embarrassing presence for thought, one could have invited a reflection on Space (in philosophy, in science, in architecture, etc.) via some of his dynamic tautologies such as:
“Space spaces (Der Raum räumt).”
“How can we find the special character of space (das Eigentümliche des Raumes)? […] In the word “space,” what speaks is a making space (Darin spricht das Räumen).
How does making-space happen (Wie geschieht das Räumen)? Is it not making-space-internally (das Einräumen) […]? First, making-room-internally admits something (Einmal gibt das Einräumen etwas zu).”
In a time of saturation when space seems to be nonexistent (one can think of Michael Wolf’s photographic cycles Tokyo Compression and Architecture of Density,, going back and reflecting on space, which perhaps is not but can be produced, may be a way of rethinking the question of being.