Il libro per la scuola tra didattica, politica ed economia

  • Paolo Bianchini
Parole chiave: Editoria scolastica, Educazione, Libri scolastici, Manuali, Mercato, N. Loriquet


One cannot speak of schools without immediately thinking of textbooks. They have become central in the lives of schools of all levels and kinds because they perform various functions: they offer a selection of the pieces of knowledge that is worth transmitting; they help teaching and learning on the side of instructors and students; they ensure relations with disciplinary research. For this reason, today multiple interests—didactic, economic, disciplinary, and scientific—are focused on textbooks. One question that should be crucial when writing and choosing a textbook has however been placed on the backburner: Is the textbook capable of contributing to the formation of a critical citizen?
