Il miracolo economico

  • Enrico Guglielminetti
Parole chiave: Aristotele, Capitalismo, Diritto al sostentamento, Filosofia ed economia, Malthus, Marx, Philosophy Politics and Economics, Poveri, Principio di non contraddizione, Principio di popolazione, Spazio


The essay begins with an analysis of Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population, in which one can retrace a physicalism of space: the want of room implies the failure of all politics of distribution that are not first concerned with a decrease in the birth rate. Following up on this, Aristotle’s principle of non-contradiction (that is, philosophy itself) is interpreted as an economic device that creates room where there is none—something like a space generator. Whereas in the traditional static interpretation of it the principle of non-contradiction does not leave the realm of distribution, in a dynamic interpretation it actualizes an addition (it generates space). On its turn, economy does not simply distribute the already existing space but rather generates added space. Economics is therefore a philosophical science.
