Attualità dei sofisti?

  • Mauro Bonazzi
Parole chiave: Platone, Realismo critico, Sofisti


Recent revaluations of the Sophists’ philosophy allow for a more balanced understanding of the meaning that their reflections may entail for us. Central themes are the awareness of the problematic rupture that separates human beings from the surrounding reality and the definitive questioning of any foundationalist claim.As a consequence of such stands, the Sophists have often been accused of aiming at subverting any certainty whatsoever. Not less important, however, are the positive consequences that derive from their claims: the acknowledgement that there are no certain points of reference is also an admonition to avoid useless shortcuts and to take upon oneself the risk and the responsibility for recomposing multiplicity into an order. Albeit provisional, such an order should also be capable of orienting our actions and choices.
