Destra e sinistra: una differenza asimmetrica


  • Enrico Guglielminetti


Parole chiave:

Destra e sinistra, 'Naturale', Proletariato, Proprietà privata, Quadrato politico


The distinction between the right and the left is not at all outdated. Currently, we certainly live in a time of confusion, when the transition from one side of the line to the other seems to be more fluid than usual. Even though the distinction is at times porous, even evanescent, it would be wiser avoiding asserting that two mountains connected by a valley are one and the same mountain, as Goethe suggests.
From a theoretical standpoint, the difference between the right and the left is asymmetrical. The right and the left do not speak of the same things, do not represent opposite solutions to the same problem. Their core topics are distinct; what is of interest to the left is not necessarily of concern to the right. Their passions are different: the right represents the horror for what is crooked, that is, the left or evil. The left represents the defense of wage labour from the violence of the capital.





