Palermo 1896 e la Società Umanitaria-Educativa per la protezione degli animali e dei bambini

  • Renato Malta Università di Palermo


In Palermo, at the end of the 19th century, a free volunteer society for the protection of animals and children was founded, the only one in Italy, since the other shadonly the protection of animals as their purpose. In Sicily the beasts were beaten and subjected to a work that was superior to the possibilities. Even children aged 6-12 years in sulfur mines and other factories were subjected to exhausting workloads from morning to night. The company developed three areas: animal protection, protection of abandoned children, and educational efforts in schools. It received extensive social credit, received numerous contributions for its operation and was also awarded by Minister Guido Baccelli. Itis an interesting story of suffering and an example of moral and social redemption, which has seen many free citizens and schools as protagonists.

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