• Francesca De Filippi
  • Serena Pantanetti


The focus of the panel relates to the use of the Information and Communication Technologies for Development and social inclusion, a topic that has been recognized as a priority both on national and international levels, as inferred by the guidelines of European programs such as Horizon2020 (2014-2020) or from the Call 'Smart cities and Social Innovation' (MIUR, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research).

'Social Innovation' is to be included as a part of the field of research and work of ICT4D (Information and Communication Technologies for Development) which, in fact, refers to the use of information and communication technologies in the field of international, socio-economic development and human rights. Possible implementations of ICT4D, between which it is intended to be done a comparison, concern, on one hand the methods and techniques of participation of the local community in identifying problems and resources and on the other hand the use and the integration of data collected in a relation with the database and the planning tools used by administrators and policy makers, as a basis for future interventions.

The use of ICTs technology platforms such as websites, wikis, interactive geographic maps and SMS have an important role in increasing the accountability of the public administration. Accountability is connected to the ability to respond and to clearly report the activities carried out. As an aspect of governance, this responsibility has been in the past and must be now and in the future a main topic of discussions when concerning about issues related to the public, non-profit and private sectors.