ICT4DEV for the social and economic development of Mozambique

  • Antonio Archetti
  • Luciano Baresi
  • Francesca Bruschi
  • Roxan Cadir
  • Luis Domingos
  • Daud Jamal


This paper introduces ICT4Dev (Information and Communication Technologies for Development), a joint project between Politecnico di Milano and Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo (Mozambique), funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The project aims to: (i) improve the ICT-related skills of students and faculty members at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, (ii) strengthen the development of innovative IT applications in the context of development initiatives, (iii) support the birth and development of new entrepreneurship, and (iv) help develop a knowledge network among research centers. ICT4Dev also wants to contribute to the reduction of the gender gap in Mozambique.
