History of the Earth, Laboratory of Revolutions

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Enrico Pasini


With the exception of the astronomical and cosmological debates of the 16th and 17th centuries, Geology is the scientific discipline that, in early modern and modern European history, seems to be most entangled with politics and authority—possibly the one in which some of the most anti-authoritarian stances of the 18th century were held. It is also the field in which (in an anticipated homage to Reinhard Koselleck’s famous remarks) for the first time the meaning of ‘revolution’ seemingly changed from circularity to linearity.

Keywords: History of geology, Earth History, Revolutions in Geology, d’Holbach, Koselleck


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Enrico Pasini, University of Turin & ILIESI/CNR

University of Turin, Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences (https://www.dfe.unito.it/persone/epasini)

CNR, Rome, Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e la Storia delle Idee (http:/www.iliesi.cnr.it)