Il trattato tra Lacedemoni ed Etoli (Osborne-Rhodes, GHI 128): una nuova proposta di integrazione


  • Claudio Goracci Università degli Studi di Perugia



The subject of this contribution is a famous treaty, presumably from the second half of the 5th century, concluded by the Lacedaemonians with a counterpart initially referred to as Aitoloi and later as Erxadieis (Osborne - Rhodes, GHI 128). Although this document has been widely discussed, numerous obscure points still remain, such as the definition of the relationship between Aitoloi and Erxadieis, the geographical location of the human groups referred to by these two ethnonyms, and the historical context of the document. Some of these aspects may have been clarified in the initial section of the treaty, which has reached us in a heavily mutilated form. This contribution aims to shed light on the main interpretative ambiguities of the document through a new textual version of the opening lines of the treaty.

