Ismene-Antigone-Argia. Sorelle e cognate nell’Antigone di Sofocle e di Alfieri


Diana Perego


In this essay I will compare for the first time the sisters Antigone and Ismene of Sophocles’ Antigone and the sisters-in-law Antigone and Argia of Alfieri’s Antigone. While the relationship between Sophocles’ two sisters has been very studied, today there is no specific study about the Antigone-Argia relationship. Also the studies on the Alfieri’s Antigone in relation to the Sophocles’ tragedy are dated. I will highlight similarities and differences between the two tragedies. I will also investigate some 19th century paintings depicting sisters and sis- ters-in-law.


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Come citare
Perego, D. (2022). Ismene-Antigone-Argia. Sorelle e cognate nell’Antigone di Sofocle e di Alfieri. Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 2, 291-323.
PARENTI SERPENTI. Rapporti familiari difficili fra mito e teatro antico. Atti del convegno on-line (Università di Siena, 4-5 giugno 2020) [a cura di Giorgia Giaccardi]

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