
  • Anthropology of myths within Greek and Roman dramatic traditions;
  • Developments of mythological plots based on fragmentary tragedies, attested by indirect tradition or incomplete trilogies;
  • Literary-anthropological and philosophical readings of the lasting relationship between mythical variants on- and off-stage;
  • History of the tradition of anthropological studies on ancient drama;
  • Modern psychological and sociological disciplines’ contribute to the study of the anthropology of ancient drama.



  • Historiographic analyses contributing to the study of Greek and Roman drama (esp., fragmentary drama);
  • Analyses of the social functions, features and evolution of ancient (Athenian and non-Athenian) dramatic festivals;
  • Studies on theatrical activity under the tyrants (Magna Graecia, Macedon, etc.);
  • Use of iconographic (vases and wall-painting), epigraphic and archaeological sources in textual analyses and ancient dramatic performances.
  • Researches on the architectural features and the evolution of theatrical and para-theatrical structures in the ancient age.


Papyrologica et Palaeographica

  • Critical editions, transcriptions, interpretations, commentaries, translations, papyri and parchment notes concerning ancient fragmentary drama;
  • New readings of variants and additions (sc. to dramatic works) relying on paleographic evidence;
  • Studies on scholia, marginalia and hypotheseis contributing to the interpretation of Greek and Roman theatrical texts;
  • Researches on the hand-written tradition of dramatic texts (production centres, copyists, etc.);
  • Production contexts and use of Greek and Latin dramatic works (re-use, method of quotation, etc.).



  • Criticism, commentary and constitutio textus of Greek and Roman dramatic works;
  • Fresh attempts to reconstruct dramatic plots (including whole trilogies/tetralogies), either fragmentary or incomplete.
  • Definitions of dramatic plots attested by indirect tradition;
  • New philological perspectives/analyses of controversial and ‘desperate’ passages (loci desperationis).
  • Researches on minor Greek, Roman, Southern Italian and Etruscan theatrical traditions.



  • Studies on the scenography of Greek and Roman drama, both complete and fragmentary;
  • New scenographic considerations based on the evidence provided by internal captions, marginalia and scholia.
  • Studies and researches on props, theatrical machines and costumes adopted to stage Greek and Roman drama;
  • Researches on the performative aspect (voice, music, sound) of ancient spectacles;
  • Researches on the audience composition and attendance during theatrical performances.


Traditio et Fortuna

  • Studi sulla tradizione diretta e indiretta di testi drammatici frammentari tragici e comici, greci e latini;
  • Indagini su ricezione, imitazione, reinterpretazione simbolica e rifiuto del patrimonio teatrale antico (testi, testimonianze) nelle epoche successive (dall’età Ellenistica a quella Medievale);
  • Rapporto tra il genere drammatico e le altre discipline (storiografia, antropologia, filosofia);
  • Fortuna del dramma greco-latino nelle arti e nella letteratura delle epoche successive (riscritture, citazioni, etc.).
  • Considerazioni sull’apporto delle moderne tecnologie (cinema, internet, etc.) alla riproposizione e alla diffusione del dramma antico.