Arte poetica e arte politica: per una breve panoramica degli studi sul teatro greco

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Andrea Giannotti


Arte poetica e arte politica: per una breve panoramica degli studi sul teatro greco.


Andrea Giannotti is currently Visiting Fellow in the Department of Classics & Ancient History of Durham University. After graduating in Pisa (2012 and 2015), he received his doctoral degree in 2019 at Durham University with a thesis about the pre-play ceremonies of the Athenian Great Dionysia. His main research interests are Greek History, Greek Epigraphy and Greek Tragedy. He is also contributing to the project “Axon” of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


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How to Cite
Giannotti, A. (2020). Arte poetica e arte politica: per una breve panoramica degli studi sul teatro greco. Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 1(2).
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