Su una hypothesis del Temeno o dei Temenidi di Euripide: note testuali a P.Oxy. 27.2455, fr. 11


Sabina Castellaneta


The paper focuses on the analysis of P.Oxy. 27.2455, fr. 11, containing the hypothesis of an Euripidean drama to be identified with Temenus or Temenidae. Starting from a new inspection of the papyrus and from the examination of previous attempts at reconstruction, the author proposes some original readings and conjectures that allow to cast new light on the plot and the aim of the related tragedy.


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Come citare
Castellaneta, S. (2022). Su una hypothesis del Temeno o dei Temenidi di Euripide: note testuali a P.Oxy. 27.2455, fr. 11. Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 3(1), 1-13.
THE FORGOTTEN THEATRE IV/2021. Atti [edd. F.P. Bianchi, M. DePoli, A. Giannotti]