From Correlation to "Gestalt". Cohen’s and Rosenzweig’s Foundations of Dialogue Philosophy
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correlation, Gestalt dialogue, philosophy of dialogue, Franz RosenzweigAbstract
A search for the foundations of the philosophy of dialogue turns the researchers to Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig. The two philosophers did not consider their theory as specifically dialogue-oriented, but they both contributed greatly to the development of the philosophy of dialogue. It is important that Rosenzweig is Cohen’s successor, so that their ideas give a good illustration of the new philosophy’s appearance and development. The purpose of this article includes the study of the contribution of Cohen to the philosophy of dialogue; the analysis of Rosenzweig’s concept and its comparison with Cohen’s philosophy; elucidation of the continuity of the two philosophers and the further development of the philosophy of dialogue in connection with the concepts of Cohen and Rosenzweig.
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