Teoria delle deformazioni

Keywords: Truth, Singularity, Hermeneutics, Deformation, Interpretation


If hermeneutics is facing a crisis today, it is because all interpretation appears eo ipso as a deformation of truth. The reason is simple: where there is subjectivity, or initiative, truth does not count, while where there is truth, or universality, subjectivity does not count. This is why democracy too is in crisis, since it now appears to be a locus communis that the subjectivity of the electorate constitutes a ball and chain on the path to reforms, the need for which is automatically computed. Against this disastrous drift, which reduces subjects to riotous beasts and truth to objective calculation, philosophical hermeneutics, though out of season, appears more necessary than ever. The central question it raises is whether truth is substance, that is, whether there can be truth without a subject, without an intrinsic import of singularity. The aspiration to overcome the limits of individuality should not, in short, make us forget that there is an essential connection between the resources “truth” and “singularity”.


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How to Cite
Guglielminetti, E. (2022). Teoria delle deformazioni. Filosofia, (67), 173-181. https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-8195/7252