Vittorio Mathieu, "Trattato di Ontologia", Milano-Udine, Mimesis Edizioni, 2019, 364 p.


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Author Biography

Gregorio Fracchia, IUSS Pavia - University of Turin

Gregorio Fracchia is a PhD Student in Sustainable Development and Climate change (University of Torino). He graduated in theoretical philosophy at the University of Turin (superv. Prof. Tiziana Andina). His PhD project deals with climate change litigation and transgenerational justice, addressed from the perspective of standing to sue and developed through a metaphysical and ichnological approach. Alongside his philosophical studies, Gregorio has an artistic activity as a classical guitarist and composer, which led him to publish 4 CDs, a novel (Mondadori) and other works.

How to Cite
Fracchia, G. (2021). Vittorio Mathieu, "Trattato di Ontologia", Milano-Udine, Mimesis Edizioni, 2019, 364 p. Filosofia, (66), 245-249.
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