An Impossible Death: Hamlet, Phaedra and Macbeth in Emmanuel Levinas' Philosophy

Keywords: il y a, diachrony, Levinas, Shakespeare, otherness


This article wants to show the role of some of the key figures of the modern theatre, such as Hamlet, Phedra and Macbeth, in Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy. Firstly, I briefly show the issue of the death in the entire Levinas’reflection, from the juvenile works to the latest ones, in order to undertsand in which context these figures are placed in. Secondly, by analyzing Hamlet, Macbeth and Phedra’s characters, I show what Levinas means when he writes about the impossibility of dying and why death is not a possiblity for the subject. Then, starting from the famous question "to be or not to be", I aim to explore the idea of suicide referring to other authors – Camus, Heidegger, Plato. Eventually, I will try to demonstrate why the dead is unrelated to living beings from every point of view and why death belongs to another ontological order.


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Author Biography

Edoardo Poli, Fellow at Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici

Edoardo Poli was born in 1996. He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy in 2018 with a thesis on the work of Giorgio De Santillana under the supervision of Prof. Claudio Pogliano at the University of Pisa. In 2020, at the same university, he obtained a Master’s Degree with a thesis on the concept of Death in Emmanuel Levinas’ thought under the supervision of Prof. Adriano Fabris. Now, his current research fields are Emmanuel Levinas’ thought and Philosophy of Forgiveness.


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How to Cite
Poli, E. (2021). An Impossible Death: Hamlet, Phaedra and Macbeth in Emmanuel Levinas’ Philosophy. Filosofia, (66), 133-146.