Caino, Abele e il teatro

Derrida in direzione di Artaud tra antipatie e forzature

Keywords: Artaud, deconstruction, Theatre of Cruelty, repeating, force


Through the biblical tale of the fratricide of Cain towards Abel, the essays focuses on – to the beat of Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction – some of the main passages of the theatre according to Antonin Artaud, trying to highlight as Derrida inevitably distances himself, between antipathy and forcing, although he moves in direction of Artaud. It is from such distances that the key-notions of the ‘theatre of cruelty’ is observed: from the strength of the voice to the weight of the representation, passing between bodies, cries, specters and spells of a theatre that increasingly resembles to a ritual ceremony, a sacrifice through which Artaud would like to heal the western classical theatre’s wounds, destroying it and giving a new life: destruction that remains inexorably within the boundaries that it intends to overcome.


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Author Biography

Rosanna Chiafari, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Rosanna Chiafari is a PhD student at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata. After the linguistic baccalaureate, in 2012 she obtained a three-year degree in Philosophy at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, presenting a thesis about the relationship between economic and religious language in the Late Middle Age. In 2015 she obtained a master's degree in Philosophical Sciences, at the same university, with a thesis on the comparison between two great names in contemporary philosophy: Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida. The same year, she attended a postgraduate course at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in "Models and categories of contemporary philosophy”. She continues to attend assiduously to the Derridian deconstruction, publishing her last works including “L’intreccio dell’altro. Derrida lettore di Levinas”, in Dialegesthai, Anno 17 (2015); “Drammaturgia e metamorfosi del genio maligno: soggetti e spettri tra follia e ragione”, in Philosophy Kitchen, #9, Anno 5, Settembre 2018; “Topiche e grafie: passaggi tra i bordi e le frontiere della différance”, nella monografia “Differenza”, Itinerari, Annuario di ricerche filosofiche, 2018; “De-lire de l’amour, o della decostruzione della filosofia: J.Derrida tra posologie e disastrologie de La Cartolina” in Point of intres. Rivista di indagine filosofica e di nuove pratiche della conoscenza, N. 6-7, I-II, 2020.


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How to Cite
Chiafari, R. (2021). Caino, Abele e il teatro: Derrida in direzione di Artaud tra antipatie e forzature. Filosofia, (66), 117-131.