The echo of Rosicrucianism in the idea of German theatre in the late 18th century

Keywords: Pre-romanticism, Germany, Rosicrucianism, Esotericism, Shakespeare


German Rosicrucianism, as Frances Yates notes in her famous studies, was a historically recognizable style of thought at the beginning of the 17th century, that had its origins in the scientific, mystical and poetic aspirations of the Elizabethan age. As an anti-Catholic movement, opposed by the Jesuits, it was short-lived, but it transmitted to the 18th century its theoretical legacy, which included the idea of the centrality of theatre. In light of this, the radical renewal of theatre that took place in the German-speaking world, starting with Lessing’s departure from the French Aristotelian model and making Shakespeare and Nature its banner, can be considered differently, as not in contrast to traditional theatrical historiography.


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Author Biography

Sonia Bellavia, Sapienza University of Rome

Sonia Bellavia teaches Performing Arts at Sapienza University in Rome. She has written essays and articles on German and Italian theatre of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with particular attention to the Austrian context in the passage between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Among her publications, she has published articles dedicated to the penetration of Ibsenian dramaturgy in the Viennese theatrical context, to Hermann Bahr, to Frank Wedekind, and to Max Reinhardt. She is author of the books: Max Reinhardt Carocci, 2021), Vienna e la Duse, 1892-1909 (Edizioni Di Pagina 2018), La lezione di Friedrich Ludwig Schröder (Bonanno 2010), L’Ombra di Lear. Il ‘Re Lear’ di Shakespeare e il teatro italiano, 1858-1995 (Bulzoni, 2004). La Voce del Gesto. Le rappresentazioni shakespeariane di Ernesto Rossi sulla scena tedesca (Bulzoni, 2000)


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How to Cite
Bellavia, S. (2021). The echo of Rosicrucianism in the idea of German theatre in the late 18th century. Filosofia, (66), 73-86.