The Ritualistic Stage

Ethnology of Possession and Double Consciousness

Keywords: possession, double conscience, De Martino, Leiris, Métraux


This paper finds his starting point in the constant presence of the theatrical metaphor in the studies of possession rituals conducted by Leiris, Métraux and De Martino. The use of the theatrical metaphor attempts to account for a phenomenon that troubled modernity, through an historically vertiginous trajectory going from Plato to Sartre: the doubling of conscience in ritualistic actors. The paper focuses on the theoretical problems raised by the inescapable overlap between theatrical scene and ritualistic scene. First, I confront the three authors’ approaches and demonstrate the inadequacy of the use of Sartre’s bad faith. I show what this category hides: the production of an individual symbolism capable of answering a specific crisis. I then show the modern roots of the usage of the theatrical metaphor of the actor in order to explain the doubling of reflective self-consciousness, normal and pathological. Finally I identify a possible way out from this model.


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Author Biography

Maririta Guerbo, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University

Maririta Guerbo is a current PhD Research Fellow and Teaching Fellow in joint supervision between University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and University Roma 3. Her research connects topics in Philosophy, Epistemology of Human Sciences and Anthropology. Her main focus regards the work of Ernesto De Martino, whose complex thought she is reconstructing both in philosophical and methodological terms, by assuming as key aspects for her point of view the notions of Ritual, Metahistory and Cultural Apocalypse. She published articles in journals and volumes both in French and Italian.


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How to Cite
Guerbo, M. (2021). The Ritualistic Stage: Ethnology of Possession and Double Consciousness. Filosofia, (66), 55-71.