
A typology and a definition

  • Martino Manca University of Turin
Keywords: ruin, debris, site, heterotopia


The paper develops a typology of ruins depending on the attempts of defunctionalize and re-functionalize them. Starting from anthropological premises (the idea of trace in documentality), and following the method of Marc Augé, ruins are thus distinguished in proper ruins (e.g. those in Simmel), debris and sites. An analysis of the experience of ruins is proposed on the two levels of flânerie and hermeneutical comprehension. The temporal problem of the ruin (studied by authors such as Benjamin, Freud and Heidegger) is solved in spatial terms with its definition as a “natural heterotopia” through a close confrontation with Foucault: this new definition opens up new possibilities for a re-functionalisation, yet different from a substitution or a re-use of ruins. Those possibilities are artistical and political practices, often situated at the margin or even deviant: artistic performances, writing, squatting, integrated conservation, re-valorisation, free fruition, use as photography or cinematography subject.


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Author Biography

Martino Manca, University of Turin

Martino Manca (Torino, 1996) is a graduating MA student in Philosophy of Literature with a research about the phenomenology of reading of non-linear narrative texts; student of the excellence programme of the Scuola di Studi Superiori of Torino “Ferdinando Rossi” and member of the research and study group “Encrucijada”. His main areas of study are Literature and Philosophy of Literature.

How to Cite
Manca, M. (2020). Ruins: A typology and a definition. Filosofia, (65), 145-160.