The Ethnographer and the Storyteller

Keywords: Walter Benjamin, The storyteller, ethnography, cultural anthropology


Walter Benjamin is a perfect interlocutor for cultural anthropology, which has often taken inspiration from his thought to widen its critical stance. In particular, in this article I aim to show the affinities between the figure of the storyteller, as described in Benjamin’s famous essay on Leskov, and the ethnographer. In the first part of the article, I argue that ethnography is one of the main heirs of Benjamin’s “art of storytelling”, sharing with the latter the dialogical roots, the handcraft nature and the moral dimensions. To this aim, in the last part of the article I present and discuss the works of Lila Abu-Lughod, Steven Caton and Stefania Pandolfo, whose narrative and experimental forms testify clearly the deep assonances between ethnography and Benjamin’s thought.


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Author Biography

Carlo Capello, University of Turin

Carlo Capello is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Philosophy and Science of Education of the University of Torino. He did research on transnational migrations as well as on the cultural conceptions of the person, and he is now working on an anthropological critical view of contemporary capitalism. Among his publications: Antropologia della persona (2016) e Ai Margini del lavoro.Un’antropologia della disoccupazione a Torino (2020). 


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How to Cite
Capello, C. (2020). The Ethnographer and the Storyteller. Filosofia, (65), 125-144.