Leibnizian machines?

Keywords: concept, animal, robot, Davidson


Are robots capable of forming concepts? The problem can be addressed starting from a similar question, namely that relating to the possibility that animals are recognized as capable of forming concepts. Different positions have been addressed on this issue. A profitable possibility of analysis is offered by Davidson’s skeptical position in his influential Rational Animals. I examine some of the objections made to the position that denies that animals can form concepts. I affirm that none of these are conclusive and I draw the idea that if the ability to form concepts must be recognized to animals, then the same position must also be supported with respect to robots.


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Author Biography

Pierpaolo Marrone, University of Trieste

Pierpaolo Marrone is associate professor of moral philosophy at the University of Trieste. He founded and edits Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics (www.units.it/etica) and Endoxa – Prospettive sul presente (www.endoxai.net).


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How to Cite
Marrone, P. (2020). Leibnizian machines?. Filosofia, (65), 63-74. https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-8195/5233