The symbolic bond between man and nature

Keywords: symbolic bond, nature and culture, necessity and freedom, body


Beginning from the consideration of the ecological and environmental emergency, this article examines the dynamics of man’s relationship with nature. The sense of their interdependence is irreducible to simple human survival and natural self-preservation: human freedom recognizes in natural necessity a model able to limit human congenital defect that is arbitrariness; and, illuminated by freedom, nature reveals a face of its necessity, which is able to get in dialogue with freedom. Their mutual connection is therefore reformulated in terms of symbolic link. It is possible to find examples of symbolic bond in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s relationship with nature, in its various forms, and with interesting links to contemporary philosophy. The path finally opens up to a reflection on the role of the body, as a turning point between nature and culture.


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Author Biography

Iolanda Poma, University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”

Iolanda Poma is an associate professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Eastern Piedmont. She taught Philosophy of Religion, Hermeneutics; currently Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of History. Among her publications: Le eresie della fenomenologia. Itinerario tra Merleau-Ponty, Ricoeur e Levinas (1996); Minima philosophiae. La modernità in Th.W. Adorno (1998), Saggi su Th.W. Adorno (2002); Gabriel Marcel. La soglia invisibile (2008), Una genesi ininterrotta. Autobiografia e pensiero in Jean-Jacques Rousseau (2013).


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How to Cite
Poma, I. (2019). The symbolic bond between man and nature. Filosofia, (64), 127-139.