The encounter with the foreigner in the light of Panikkar's philosophy

  • Claudio Giuseppe Torrero
Keywords: atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, interfaith dialogue, spiritual experience


Raimon Panikkar is the eminent philosopher and theologian who integra- ted Hinduism and Buddhism into his Christian faith, considering each religion as a language that can be translated into other languages, and the different traditions as streams that flow into the river of one’s spiritual experience. He rediscovered an original meaning of philosophy in India, which was lost in Western thought, as inseparable from the spiritual quest. In particular, he stated that Buddhism ma- naged to unburden the Indian culture from the identification of God with Being, and of Being with human thought, a perspective that has been central to Western philosophy and has made modern atheism inevitable. In our time we are probably witnessing an event analogous to that which happened when Buddhism arose. We can resort to modern atheism as a way to freedom but only if we can prevent Man from taking God’s place. In this way, and in this way only, can we unlock the gates to Grace.


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K. Jaspers, Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte, München, Piper, 1949; tr. it. di A. Guadagnin, Origine e senso della storia, Milano, Edizioni di Comunità, 1965

K. Jaspers, Die Grossen Philosophen, München, Piper, 1957; tr. it. di F. Costa, I grandi filosofi, Milano, Longanesi, 1973

R. Panikkar, The Intrareligious Dialogue, New York, Paulist Press, 1978; tr. it. di N. Giostra, Il dialogo intrareligioso, Assisi, Cittadella Editrice, 1988

R. Panikkar, El silencio del Buddha. Una introducción al ateísmo religioso, Madrid, Siruela, 1996; tr. it. di M. Carrara Pavan, Il silenzio del Buddha. Un a-teismo religioso, Milano, Mondadori, 2006

Cfr. R. Panikkar, Mistica pienezza di vita, Opera Omnia, vol. I/1, a cura di R. Panikkar e M. Carrara Pavan, Milano, Jaca Book, 2008

R. Panikkar, Religious Identity and Pluralism, in A. Sharma, K. M. Dugan (eds.), A Dome of Many Colours. Studies in Religious Pluralism, Identity and Unity, Harrysbourg, Trinity Press International, 1999; tr. it. di F. O. Dobosc, Identità religiosa e pluralismo, in R. Panikkar, Pluralismo e interculturalità, Opera Omnia, VI/1, a cura di R. Panikkar e M. Carrara Pavan, Milano, Jaca Book, 2009

R. Panikkar, The Rythm of Being. The Gifford Lectures, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2010; tr. it. di M. Carrara Pavan e P. Barone, Il ritmo dell’Essere, Opera Omnia, vol. X/1, a cura di R. Panikkar e M. Carrara Pavan, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012

R. Panikkar − M. Carrara Pavan, Pellegrinaggio e ritorno alla Sorgente, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012

L. Pareyson, Verità e interpretazione, Milano, Mursia, 1971

G. Riconda, Tradizione e avventura, Torino, SEI, 2001

G. Tucci, Storia della filosofia indiana, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 19772

How to Cite
Torrero, C. G. (2015). The encounter with the foreigner in the light of Panikkar’s philosophy. Filosofia, (60), 113-128.