Justice and Politics: Lyotard's Resistant Dispute
politics, ethics, Jean-François Lyotard, postmodern ageAbstract
The present article examines, through Lyotard’s philosophical thought, whether ethics and justice are still possible in the postmodern condition. The paper analyzes Lyotard’s suggestion and highlights its development over time, especially after the dialogue on justice with Jean-Loup Thébaud. It also deals with Lyotard’s conception of postmodern condition. Unlike what we usually think, in Lyotard’s opinion postmodernism is not only a historical period, but a particular way of feel- ing and treating questions given by reality. Politics is not felt as the space where the institutional forces, such as parties, propose their ideological program to solve problems. On the contrary politics is the space where all people create new idioms to face and give voice to problems.
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