The conjunction "and" in reconciliation processes. Reflections in the light of Franz Rosenzweig's philosophy


  • Olga Belmonte García Università Pontificia Comillas di Madrid



reconciliation, otherness, reparation, dialogue


Reconciliation presents three dimensions in which the conjunction “and” – as Rosenzweig conceives it – constitutes a fundamental category: on one hand, it has a temporal dimension, as it is a process in which the old and the new are combined, and where the “and” expresses the present that unites; on the other hand,  it has a dimension of otherness as a relationship between an “I” and an “other”, a relationship where the “and” is the language. Finally, there is in reconciliation a dimension of reparation (tikkun olam) or return to the alliance with the Good, that is expressed in a peace (shalom) that is the fulfilling of the divine promise: that of the peace between the man “and” the world. God is the “and” that fulfils the aspiration to mundane happiness “and” human fullness. These three dimensions, analysed in the light of Rosenzweig’s thought, introduce new keys to the reconciliation process that today constitute an urgent task.


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How to Cite

Belmonte García, O. (2018). The conjunction "and" in reconciliation processes. Reflections in the light of Franz Rosenzweig’s philosophy. Filosofia, (63), 147–158.