Aesthetics and Politics: Reflections on Love and the Origins of Fascism


  • Jules Simon University of Texas at El Paso



Arguing against the grain of conventional readings that Rosenzweig’s philosophy is a-historical, I maintain instead that a more nuanced and faithful  reading should take into account the underlying logical dynamics of his speech-act philosophy that become embodied through the role that love relationships  – understood aesthetically on both individual and communal levels – are ways to ‘redeem’ history messianically, thereby redeeming or creating more just political communities. This happens at the level of an immanent, normative critique of the dominant authoritarian pressures to assimilate to existing social and political conditions. I connect that with a reading of Benjamin’s philosophy, arguing that Rosenzweig’s “messianic aesthetics” determinatively influenced Walter Benjamin’s dialectics of ethical and political critique – which resulted in Benjamin’s work becoming both revelatory and historically redemptive, that is, politically messianic.


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F. Rosenzweig, Jehuda Halevi. Zwei-undneunzig Hymnen und Gedichte, Berlin, Lambert Schneider, 1927; Engl. transl. by T. Kovach, E. Jospe, and G. G. Schmidt, Ninety-Two Poems and Hymns of Yehudah Halevi, ed. by R. A. Cohen, Albany, State University of New York Press, 2000.

J. Simon, Benjamin’s Feast of Booths, in “Philosophy Today”, XLVII (2003), no. 3, pp. 258-265.

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How to Cite

Simon, J. (2018). Aesthetics and Politics: Reflections on Love and the Origins of Fascism. Filosofia, (63), 133–145.