"Strong as death is love" (Ct 8,6). Franz Rosenzweig interpreter of revelation

  • Angelo Tumminelli Università La Sapienza di Roma
Keywords: Star of Redemption, love, revelation, prophecy, miracle


This paper is focused on the notion of revelation in Franz Rosenzweig’s work Star of Redemption. According to Rosenzweig, the revelation is the place of conjunction between the past of creation and the uncertain future of redemption. The revelation-love realises the full actuality of time and it is intended, at the same time, as realisation of I and You. Through the analysis of the concept of revelation as a miracle of pure present, the author aims to give an overall interpretation of Rosenzweig’s Star of Redemption. Indeed, Franz Rosenzweig finds in the idea of revelation-love the unique and true “and” or the unique conjunction capable to realize prophecy of the origin in the present and to anticipate the last realisation of the end of history.


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How to Cite
Tumminelli, A. (2018). "Strong as death is love" (Ct 8,6). Franz Rosenzweig interpreter of revelation. Filosofia, (63), 39-49. https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-8195/3790