Da corpo a corpo. Sguardi di fantascientiste sulle trasformazioni dell’umano





Body, incarnation, human-non-human, cyborg, feminism


When does a human body cease to be human? And what is the limit (assuming that there is a limit, and that it is measurable) between what is human and what is not (not yet or no longer)? Does the female gaze on bodies transformed through cyborg grafts and connected via neural networks differ from the male gaze?

This contribution aims to answer this and other questions, tracing a path starting from the British Mary Shelley and the Creature (not monster) she conceived, touching upon exemplary texts by great science fiction writers of the 20th century Catherine Moore and James Tiptree Jr. alias Alice Sheldon, and again, between science fiction and visionary feminism, by Pat Cadigan (all American authors), to reach the new century arriving at the works of women who navigate and rejuvenate genres such as the Italian Francesca Cavallero.



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Author Biography

Laura Coci

Laura Coci is a philologist by training (she studied at the University of Pavia under the
guidance of Franco Gavazzeni) and, for the first half of her life, she was a scholar of 17th-
century Venetian novels, an area in which she has several academic publications.
During the years of the long Balkan war, she promoted initiatives to support civil society and to
welcome refugees and minors. She is the president of the Istituto lodigiano per la storia della
Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea.
She is a passionate (feminist) science fiction woman: she contributes to various speculative
fiction magazines (including Robot) and beyond (Vitamine vaganti). She is the author of the
extensive essay Fantascienza, un genere (femminile) and, together with Roberto Del Piano,
she co-edits the works of Daniela Piegai and the collection Fantascienza Resistente for Delos
Digital. She won the 2022 Premio Italia for ‘Best Article in an Amateur Publication’.


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How to Cite

Coci, L. (2024). Da corpo a corpo. Sguardi di fantascientiste sulle trasformazioni dell’umano. Filosofia, (69). https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-8195/11200


