Gilbert Ryle and Plato’s theory of forms




This essay is dedicated to the interpretation that Gilbert Ryle gave to Plato’s theory of forms. Despite having distinguished himself as an exponent of analytic philosophy and Ordinary Language Philosophy in the context of the University of Oxford, Ryle qualified as a philologist by reading the vast production of Plato’s dialogues. Among Ryle’s most significant essays are those referring to the dialogues of Plato’s maturity (Theaetetus, Sophist, Parmenides), where the ancient Athenian philosopher expounded his conception of the art of dialectics. Then Ryle highlighted the relationship between the theory of forms and the theory of being, on the basis of an original rereading of the concept of idea, i.e. of form, separated from the traditional ontologism attributed to both Parmenides and Plato.


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Author Biography

Maria Antonia Rancadore, Università di Palermo

Maria Antonia Rancadore is associate professor of History of Philosophy at the Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo. During her research activity she has explored the relationship between philosophy and psychology in the context of European and international culture. Among his most recent publications, the volume on L’idealismo critico di Sartre. She is part of the research group of the “Biblioteca di Studi Filosofici”, a cultural association promoting international conferences. She is co-director of the “Collana di Filosofia Italiana”, published by the FrancoAngeli publishing house in Milan. She is a member of the “Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia” (SISF), of the “Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française” (ASPLF) and of the “Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française” (SEKLF).


Allen, Reginald Edward, ed. 1965. Studies in Plato’s Metaphysics. Vol. 2. London and New York: Routledge.

Apelt, Otto. 1879. Untersuchungen über den Parmenides des Plato, Weimar: Hof-Buchdruckerei.

Aristotle. 1924. Metaphysics, edited by W. D. Ross. Vol. I. Oxford: Clarendon.

Aristotle. 1957. On the Soul, translated by W. S. Hett. London: Harvard University Press.

Baeumker, Clemens. 1879, “Über den Sophystes Polixenos”, Rheinisches Museum XXXIV: 64-83.

Barbanti, Maria and Romano, Francesco, ed. 2002. Il Parmenide di Platone e la sua tradizione, Atti del III Colloquio Internazionale di Ricerca sul Neoplatonismo, Università degli Studi di Catania, 31 maggio – 2 giugno 2001. CUECM: Catania.

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Cornford, Francis Macdonald. 1935. Plato’s Theory of Knowledge, London: Routledge.

−−−. 1939. Plato and Parmenides, New York: The Liberal Arts Press.

Diès, Auguste. 1972. Autour de Platon. Essai de critique et d’histoire, Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Lugarini, Leo. 1954. “L’argomento del ‘terzo uomo’ e la critica di Aristotele a Platone”, Acme VII: 3-72.

Natorp, Paul. Platos Ideenlehre. Eine Einführung in den Idealismus. Verlag der Dürr'schen Buchhandlung: Leipzig.

Parmenides of Elea. 1984. Fragments, a text and translation with an introduction by David Gallopp. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press.

Ross, William David. 1951. Plato’s Theory of Ideas, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Russell, Bertrand. 1905. “On Denoting”, Mind. A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, 14, n. 56, 479-493.

Ryle, Gilbert. 1939a. “Plato’s Parmenides”, Mind. A Quarterly Review of Psychology and

Philosophy XLVIII: 129-151; also in Allen, Reginald Edward (edited by). 1965. Studies in Plato’s Metaphysics, 104-140. Vol. 2. London and New York: Routledge. Then published in Ryle, Gilbert. 1971. Collected Papers. Vol. I (Critical Essays), 1-46. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1939b. “Review of F.M. Cornford: ‘Plato and Parmenides’”, Mind. A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy XLVIII: 536-543. Then published in Ryle, Gilbert. 1971. Collected Papers, Vol. I (Critical Essays), 47-56. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1960. “Letters and Syllables in Plato”, The Philosophical Review LXIX: 431-451. Then published in Ryle, Gilbert. 1971. Collected Papers, Vol. I (Critical Essays), 57-75. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1962. A Rational Animal, University of London: The Athlone Press.

−−−. 1965a. “Dialectic in the Academy” in New Essays on Plato and Aristotle, edited by R. Bambrough, 36-98. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Then published with the title The Academy and Dialectic, in Ryle, Gilbert. 1971. Collected Papers, Vol. I (Critical Essays), 94-121. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1965b. “Plato’s Parmenides, Afterword” in in Allen, Reginald Edward (edited by). 1965. Studies in Plato’s Metaphysics, 138-140. Vol. 2. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1965c. “The ‘Timaeus Locrus’”, Phronesis X: 174-190. Then published in Ryle, Gilbert. 1971. Collected Papers, Vol. I (Critical Essays), 76-93. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1966a. Dilemmas. Cambridge: University Press.

−−−. 1966b. Plato’s Progress. Cambridge: University Press.

−−−. 1967. “Plato” in The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 314-333. Vol. VI, London and New York: Macmillan and Free Press.

−−−. 1968. “Dialectic in Academy” in Aristotle on dialectic: the Topics, edited by Gwilym Ellis Lane Owen, Proceedings of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, 69-79. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Then published in Ryle, Gilbert. 1971. Collected Papers, Vol. I (Critical Essays), 122-131. London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1970. “Autobiographical” in O.P. Wood and G. Pitcher (edited by), Ryle, 1-15. London: Macmillan.

−−−. 1971a. Collected Papers, Vol. 1 (Critical Essays). London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 1971b. Collected Papers, Vol. 2 (Collected Essays 1929-1968). London and New York: Routledge.

−−−. 2000. The Concept of Mind. London: Penguin Books.

Taylor, Alfred Edward. 1949. Plato. The Man and his Work. London: Methuen & Co.



How to Cite

Rancadore, M. A. (2024). Gilbert Ryle and Plato’s theory of forms. Filosofia, (69).


