Call for papers: Before and after the logos


Call for Papers: Before and after the logos

The second half of the 20th century was characterised by a complete “contestation of the logos”: what

we call “logos” is no longer understood as the central nexus that organises reality and manages its

articulation. In other words, the “fullness of presence” is not able – through its density – to exercise

a force of attraction in such a way as to constitute a real system around itself, binding its planets and

satellites to more or less fixed orbits. We can also say that the enzyme of difference – as Renato Barilli

put it – insinuates itself into the citadel, supposed to be firm and well-defended, of consciousness.

Philosophical thought tracks down differences capable of questioning identity, absences that

somehow “operate” behind presence, genealogies and archaeologies that challenge the linearity and

coherence of logical argumentation. In particular, Italian thought has taken on this legacy, in many

ways drawing on the most valuable resources and figures on the French scene, but with the ability to

deepen the results obtained by relaunching them towards new perspectives.

Among the various threads of investigation, particular attention will be given to the following areas:

- The problem of the relationship between sign and metaphysics, with particular reference to

developments in Derridian grammatology: the investigation relating to the nature of the support of

the sign apparatus and the "nature" of the alphabet, as it emerges for example in the essays of Carlo


- The reception of the problems connected to the phenomenological tradition that emerges in a thinker

such as Enzo Melandri, who is dedicated to tracing those areas of culture that eschew and indeed

undermine a strictly logical course of thought, such as the use of analogy in all its various facets.

- The genealogical and archaeological investigation that focuses – at various levels – on the problem

of the unity of science. We refer in particular to the works of Enzo Paci on the one hand, but also to

Colli’s investigations into Nietzsche’s thought, to the reconstructions of the origins of Greek

philosophy proposed in particular by Diano with the form and event pair, but also by Calogero through

his reference to the polarity between the noetic and dianoetic.

- The emphasis assigned by twentieth-century philosophical and philological investigation to the so-

called “pre-Socratic” period, understood as a witness to the development and exercise of thought

practices not yet marked by the dominance of the laws of logic.

- The presence of “turning point” and internal aporias in the development of the great architectures

of thought throughout the Western tradition, investigated in various ways, expecially during the

second half of the 20th century.RULES FOR SUBMITTING CONTRIBUTIONS

Please send an abstract of around 150 words in English in .doc file format (no pdf or other formats)

to the following address:

The deadline for the abstract submission is October 15, 2024. Acceptance will be notified by

November 5, 2024. For those who receive positive notification regarding the abstracts, the deadline

for submitting the full articles is February 15, 2025.

All articles will undergo a blind peer-review process. Authors will receive, along with the selection

outcome, a detailed evaluation form completed by the two referees. The editorial board reserves the

right not to consider contributions that do not meet the elementary criteria of readability and



Please send the full articles to the following address: For each

contribution, we kindly ask you to make sure that you are sharing:

- a .doc file (no pdf or other formats) prepared for a blind referee. The text of the contribution needs

to be preceded by an abstract in English of around 150 words, and 5 keywords in English.

- a .doc file for use by the editorial board containing the author's name, academic affiliation, if any,

and an active e-mail address.

We will consider the submissions written either in Italian or in English. The articles should comply

with the following standards (Chicago Manual of Style, author-date):

Text files should not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes).

For any further information, please contact: