About the Journal

Focus and scope

The aim of the journal is to serve as an instrument of theoretical-philosophical research, focusing on two strong points: scientific rigor and interest in all the problems, methods, areas and approaches developed within the philosophical tradition. The journal's conviction is that today philosophy, as well as other scientific disciplines, undergoes a process of continuous specialization. This process requires scholars and researchers to be able to deal rigorously with a subtle and complex micrological analysis, without  renouncing to the general and overall view of the great metaphysical tradition. The journal therefore aims to offer a broad and supervised investigation of any aspect of reality that may be philosophically questioned, on a global level, so as to try to understand our times with agreater conceptual clarity. Each issue proposes a thematic section through a call for papers and a varied section. "Philosophy" accepts contributions in the main European languages, selecting them through a rigorous process of double-blind peer-review.

Publication Frequency

"Filosofia" is an annual journal.

Article Processing Charges (APC) and submission charges

"Filosofia" does not ask for articles processing (APC) or submissions charges.


"Filosofia" utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.