Evaluation on the Livelihood Assistance of a Social Protection Agency in Region 7-Central Visayas

  • Desiree Jill Apostol Graduate School Student
Keywords: livelihood assistance, persons-with-work-related disability, bottlenecks, challenges, onset and maintenance of livelihood


Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the livelihood assistance given by the social protection agency to persons-with-work-related disability (PWRDs) or to those workers who have met work-related contingency. Out of the 20 clients communicated by the researcher only 9 of them have responded with willingness to be interviewed. Data collection was done through interview utilizing questionnaires. These questionnaires were designed into a Google Form and was sent to each respondents by link through their online messaging accounts. The study explored into the bottlenecks in each of the following stages in the acquisition and implementation of the livelihood of the PWRDs: planning, attending livelihood training/seminar, purchasing, onset and lastly, maintenance of the livelihood. Majority of the respondents expressed difficulties during the onset and maintenance of their livelihood. The challenges during the onset is the presence of customer debts, no space to display products, lack of knowledge to advertise, no customer at times and lack of supplies to sell. Although majority of the clients have been able to maintain their livelihood, those who haven’t answered that their return to formal job employment and the recent pandemic brought about by COVID-19 were factors for their livelihood to fail.


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How to Cite
Apostol, D. J. (2021). Evaluation on the Livelihood Assistance of a Social Protection Agency in Region 7-Central Visayas. European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy, 2(3), 38-47. https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-9906/5529