Social indicators for businesses’ circular economy: multi-faceted analysis of employment as an indicator for sustainability reporting
Social corporate responsibility, Circular economy, Social indicators, Social accounting, Social impactsAbstract
In recent years, the introduction of the circular economy’s principles at the micro level is receiving attention in different domains of business literature. Although several studies have focused on the environmental or economic impacts of the adoption of the circular economy at a micro level, detailed analysis of the social aspects of the circular economy in businesses is necessary. From a triple bottom line perspective, social dimensions of the circular economy are one of the three pillars for sustainability accounting and reporting and must be considered in the relationship between firms and their stakeholders. Thus, the main objective of this study is to reflect on the social impact of the business circular economy at the micro level by analysing job generation. As one of this study’s contributions to the literature, it approaches the definition of different indicators inherent to different aspects of the employment in a circular economy framework. To reflect on the social metrics related to employment in circular businesses, this article summarises the results of semi-structured interviews collected in a regional case study in Spain and offers a schematic view of the multi-faceted analysis conducted.
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