Green and sustainable construction practices impact on Organizational Development
Sustainable development, Organizational performance, Green construction, Environment protection, Project successAbstract
Green Marketing plays important role in the organizational performance irrespective to the industry and the type of project. However green construction research lacks in the field of a construction project. The basic purpose of this work was to highlight the impact of modern techniques such as green construction on organizational performance through the adoption of sustainable practices in business strategies in the construction industry. Data were collected from 132 organizations, working on different construction projects located within the city of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, through an online questionnaire survey in two strata in terms of consultant and contractors. Data were analyzed through different tests, included Pearson’s correlation coefficient as well as regression using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. The study indicated that green construction has a strong correlation and positive impact on organizational performance, and this correlation partially mediated by sustainable development. The research findings have practical implications both in organizational and project manager’s perspectives. This research was limited to a specific geographic area due to time and cost constraints. Future researchers may opt to conduct the study in other geographic areas of Pakistan and in different industries. Moreover, additional or different mediating variables can also be used in future work.
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