Artificial Intelligence to fight COVID-19 outbreak impact: an overview
Artificial intelligence, AI applications, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Health impact, Prevention strategiesAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is showing its strength worldwide in the healthcare sector. Today, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the help of technology appears to be relevant to keep the increase in new infections stable and help medical staff in treatment. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate how AI can be employed against COVID-19 outbreak. Using a multiple case study approach, researchers find out the following insights. First, AI could be used for drugs discovery and knowledge sharing, tracking and prediction, clinical decision making and diagnosis, social distancing and medical chatbots. Second, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of international best practice for tracking contacts and social distance applications. Third, AI technologies could have a transversal impact, also focusing on prevention strategies as a new corporate social responsibility vein. In the end, this paper has theoretical and managerial implications, too. On the theoretical side, we contribute to the extensive discussion about AI and healthcare considering COVID-19 outbreak. On the practical side, we provide medical personnel and policymakers with a tool to understand artificial intelligence and focus investment choices in the practical applications analysed.
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