L’effet du sexe de l’adolescent sur le discours parental


  • Sandra Tomc
  • Sophie Bailly


This sciences of language research tends to show how the linguistic pragma and the analysis of the psycho-social discursivity are articulated in order to describe the interaction between parents and teenagers concerning sex. The interdisciplinary approach in the field of conversation analysis requires a two-level analysis: in the first place, attention is paid to the forms and contents, according to the hierarchical model of verbal interactions, proposed by the School of Geneva in the Eighties; as for the second, it regards the analysis of the communication with a report/ratio with identity (RPSD). Any linguistic production is an identity production. Each speech is a standpoint on what one will say, at the place and time of the stating and of the listener.

Key words: Verbal interactions, Acts of language, Interventions, Exchanges, discursive Representations psycho socio, ESCIS (Exchanges likely to contain the imaginary social one).
Mots clés : Interactions verbales, Actes de langage, Interventions, Echanges, Représentations psycho socio discursives, ESCIS (Echanges susceptibles de contenir de l’imaginaire social).




